Monday, February 13, 2012

Someone Else's Shoot

Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to another major educational force this past week, which has been helping out on the film shoot of one of my classmates. My own shoot was an invaluable experience, since it forced me to plunge head-first into finally having to manage the images on the camera and the direction. But this past weekend, I served as an extra pair of hands on a classmate’s shoot, and found that, without the pressure of being the director, I was able to gain more valuable (and calm) experience operating the boom microphone, the camera, and the lights. Since he was filming at the DFA, there were no restrictions on lights and sound like I had at Grand Central, so there was more room to experiment.

After this past week of filming, I feel way more comfortable with the camera. I know more about its functions (particularly color-correcting a scene when the white balance doesn’t quite do it), how to hold the camera to achieve certain shots, and how to set up the sound. I’m really looking forward to my next shoot, which will likely be in April. I have two short scripts ready to go, and both are set in locations that allow more control over the set-up.

If you’re interested in learning filmmaking, the best advice is to jump right in and start! That’s really the only way to start to understand how it works. Shoot me an email if you’d have an interest in helping out on one of mine:

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