Thursday, June 16, 2011

Revisions, Revisions... And Some Decisions

Sorry for the lengthy silence! A bit more on my prolonged absence below, but first I’ll just let you know that, yes, I have been working on my revisions.

Revisions are the most annoying part of the process to me, and sadly, they’re also one of the most important. Wouldn’t life be great if we could just sit down, bang it out, and have that be that?

Alas, this is rarely the case. But I’m happy to report that I think my first draft script was actually in far better shape than I thought while I was writing it. Sure, there were some typos, and, hilariously, one character’s name changed from Kate to Michelle about a third of the way in… but for the most part, it wasn’t too shabby.

I’ve been able to do my first-pass revision (fixing the typos, the messed up names, etc.), but now it’s time for the second, more difficult pass. This is the pass where I have to make decisions on overall themes and, also, on whether or not to include a certain twist at the end. This pass involves going through and tweaking all the details so they support said themes, or said twist. This pass is the annoying one.

The themes/key points are pretty solid in my mind, but figuring out whether or not to keep the twist is a little trickier. On one hand, who doesn’t love a good twist? On the other, I feel like it might cheapen the story a bit. It’s a horror flick, but I really am trying to say something about my generation’s psychological experience with work, and putting a twist in feels a little cheesy – but maybe that’s the kind of too-serious thinking that actually holds a person back when they're trying to do a commerical script. Maybe the best solution is to do one draft with the twist, one without, and then gather some opinions from readers.


Along with these decisions, there is one more I’ve made, which will partially explain the long gap since my last post. That is that I’ve decided to go a little easier on myself this summer, as much as I want to be 100% No MFA Project. (It is summer break from school, right?) Not to worry, I’ll still be revising, looking for the right NYC pitchfest, starting another script, trying to learn more about film-making, and posting all about it, but I’m also going to be cutting myself some slack, and here’s why:

1. I’m getting married in September (then again in India in November. Same person both times, don't worry!) Ever plan even one wedding? Enough said.

2. Nothing serious, but I may need to have surgery this summer, which will require some time to recuperate. While planning the weddings…

3. I’m supposed to be getting a promotion in July! We’ll see if this actually happens, but if it does, I’ll be handling the promotion, recuperating from surgery, and planning the weddings…

I think you see my point. But life is all about learning to balance, and the one thing I really, truly know about myself is that I have to find a way to balance it all with the writing, or I’m just not the same.

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