Saturday, November 5, 2011


There have been plenty of upheavals in my life lately. Surgery, getting married… and now the latest: I QUIT MY JOB!

This was not by any means an easy decision, especially in the current economy. But (aside from some unsettling things going on in the company) the knowledge that what I was doing had nothing to do with my hopes, goals, or passions started to become more and more difficult to ignore. My head would be filled with ideas, my heart would be filled with things I wanted to learn – but my days would be jammed with tedious tasks, all intended to make someone else rich while the years of my life just kept ticking by.

I had enough.

It certainly feels a little scary. My last day was November 1st, and since then, I’ve definitely had a few moments of wondering whether or not it was the right choice. But, overwhelmingly, I feel that it was. And one clear thought keeps ringing through my mind: This will be the best thing that ever happened to me, because I will make it the best thing that ever happened to me.

Now I can see what happens to my MFA Project when I’m really able to give it all the time and effort it deserves. Which brings me to…

ONE MORE YEAR! I actually decided quite a while ago to keep the project rolling on for one more year. After all, MFA programs are typically 2 yrs, right? So why should mine be any different?

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