Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Almost There!

So, I am into the home stretch with film class! Final, edited short films are due this Friday.

It’s been thrilling to watch the film take shape, and has made me look forward to the next short I will do: mainly because, having filmed in Grand Central Station, I had very little control over things like light (we weren’t allowed to set up lights) and sound (acoustics varied greatly depending on how the mike was pointed, making sound editing pretty choppy).
I have really enjoyed the editing process, though. Yes, it is incredibly time consuming: I averaged about an hour per minute of edited film just to get a rough cut, then who knows how long I spent scrubbing the footage even further. Now that I’m involved in editing, I’m noticing continuity mistakes even in my favorite movies that I probably never would have noticed otherwise. Overall, I think my second short will be much better than my first, not just because I’ll have more control, but because I’ll better know what kind of coverage I need to get in each shot to help make editing an easier process.

One thing I find funny is that, at first, I actually ‘over-edited’ – there were more cuts back and forth between my actors than there needed to be, sometimes cutting right over an emotional moment when I just needed to rest for a beat and let things sink in. I find this funny because I think I’m a bit like that in life – rushing to fill a pause or a silence when, really, it’s ok to have them – and that it translated into my film editing. Now I’ve gone back and removed some of these cuts, and overall, am pretty well pleased with the editing. What remains is adding music, recording and inserting a short voice-over, and continuing to do what I can do to smooth out the light and sound issues.

Almost there!

In writing news, I am almost finished writing the first draft of a novella I started on February 15th. (Well, if I can still call it a novella now that it’s about a hundred pages and counting.) I have two ‘scenes’ left to write and expect to be done by either tomorrow or the day after, depending on how I balance it with my time in the film lab. This novella, for me, marks a return to prose writing after recently focusing more on scripts. It has actually been a very soothing and encouraging process, and hopefully is the beginning of balancing script writing and prose writing on a regular basis.

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