Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My 30th Birthday and My First Screening

Yesterday, April 9th, was my birthday! My 30th birthday, and that’s a pretty big one. As I do every year, I took a large chunk of the day to write in my journal, reflect on what’s happened in the past year, and think about what I’d like to have happen in the next.

All in all, 29 was a majorly pivotal year for me. Aside from the obvious – I got married – my life also drastically changed when I quit my job, finally leaving behind a situation that had made me so unhappy to pursue things I’m passionate about. This was actually the defining move of the year, as it has been the decision that has really changed everything. (With all due respect to my husband, I had felt as if we'd been married in our hearts for a long while.) 

While 29, I also finished a full-length screenplay, a few short screenplays, a novella, and a short film. And, of course, I learned all about making films, which had been a life-long dream of mine.

I feel like this was really the year when I got onto the right path. Now, I want 30 to be all about starting to see the landmarks on that path.

One such landmark is my first screening, which is happening tomorrow night at the Anthology Film Archives in New York City (32 Second Avenue, at 2nd Street). The event goes from 6-8pm, and showcases a number of shorts, including mine. It will be my first chance to really see how people react to my movie, and I’m excited and nervous. 

I’ve also just about made myself crazy these past few weeks, running back over to the DFA to try and tweak the film again… and again… and again every time I noticed something wrong. (FYI, as a film editor, every time you watch the film, you'll find something wrong.) I almost completely lost it when I realized just ONE word (one!) was out of synch with the movement of my actress's mouth, and that I had to make another journey to fix it and burn DVDs all over again... but I'm happy to report she's now synched, and that I've decided to relax and accept that, for now, the film is what it is!

If you get the chance, I would love to see you at the Anthology Film Archives tomorrow night! (Tickets just $5.) And be sure to vote for Chance as your favorite film of the night!


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